Take Two

My blog saw the demise of its first post today. Where this post now sits, sat another earlier today. It sat alive for most of the day and the words I wrote received such wonderful comments. But unanimously the thoughts from the friends who spent the time commenting said I "was brave". And the fact that everyone thought I was so brave, made me second guess my words, made me fear hurting people who may read them. So I deleted them all.

On the one hand I'm sad because I think my words were worth writing and it may have helped to have even more people read them and tell me their perspectives. But, I do think I made the right decision. I did what felt right to me.

It does beg the question as to where I draw the line in what I write in this blog. I'll have to do some soul searching on this. For now, those words I wrote this morning, will instead be spoken. I'll be better off saying them to the few who deserve hearing them, instead of publishing them for all to see.

My day started on a difficult note, with a raging headache and so many words swimming inside my head. My day is ending with my little girl's hand in mine. With her head on my shoulder, snuggled under a blanket. No words. Sometimes, I'm better off with no words.


Kelly Miller said...

I understand why you deleted it ... and I, too, sometimes have to write my way through something to get a firm grasp on it. I'm glad you're having a snuggly, quiet evening.

lz @ My Messy Paradise said...

I thought it was a great post...maybe one day you'll want to put it back up, but I can understand why you preferred taking it down.

Aidan Donnelley Rowley said...

I am sad that I missed the post. (Had a crazy day yesterday and did not get my quality time online.) From everything else I've read of yours, I imagine what you wrote was perfectly agreeable, if a bit daring, but you've got to trust your gut and it looks like you did just that.

Sarah said...

I'm sad to have missed it. Daring is part of what we have to do. When things get a little uncomfortable I often knowing I'm saying something truly worthwhile. However...if it is a thing that you worry might hurt others, and if it is a thing you are stewing over...then letting it slip away is just as right as saying it in the first place.

Little girl's hand in yours? Oh the delight and the joy. Oh the peace in that simple thing.

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